It’s the most stressful time of the year for most people. Holidays are a lot of fun and I love them, don’t get me wrong, but they can also be so incredibly draining. I’m always so exhausted after new years and feel like I have nothing left to give, that’s why this year I decided to do things differently and wanted to write about it with the hopes that it will help you to navigate this time of the year more gracefully.

I thought about writing this post long and hard when I found myself feeling overwhelmed about what was coming my way. One day I just started thinking about that crazy period that starts before Thanksgiving and ends on December 31st, and it gave me so much anxiety, so I sat down and started writing. Here’s what I came up with. I really hope it helps you manage this season better:
Don’t forget about YOU.
Even if you go to the gym 2 times a week, or a yoga class. Whatever makes you happy, don’t forget about yourself. We tend to put everyone else before us. I understand it’s hard to keep your routine the same, for example I’m someone who goes to the gym 5-6 times a week, but with the myriad of things coming my way I know it will be hard to keep up with that. But, instead of forgetting about the gym until January, I’m going to go whenever I can (which should be at least 3 times). Whatever is part of your normal routine, don’t abandon it 100% because you’re busy.
Other things you can do:
- Book yourself a massage or a nice long bath at home with a glass of wine if money is tight.
- Get your nails done or get a haircut. Find some time to spoil yourself a little bit, even if it’s small.
- Instead of booking a weekend brunch, make it just a late lunch. Stay at home one morning, sleep in, meditate or do some reading. There’s something about a lazy morning that can help you feel like a million bucks.
Learn to say no. Don’t overbook yourself.
This ties up with making time for yourself and I know this one is so hard! There’s so much going on right? So many events to go to, people to catch up with, happy hours, Holiday gatherings… SO MANY THINGS! But guess what? You can totally say no to a lot of these things. Think long and hard about the people you are going to hang out with and how they make you feel. Are you going out of commitment or do you really want to hang out and catch up with them? Remember that nothing and no one should get in between the commitment you have with yourself and your well being and mental health.
Events are so exhausting for me. I hate small talk and I’m very shy when it comes to approach strangers and talk to them. 90% of the times I go home with a headache and feeling emotionally drained, so now I choose very carefully who I spend my time with and the events I go to. It’s ok to be selfish with your time. That’s something you will never get back.
Create a budget and stick to it.
One thing I found draining about the Holidays is the amount of money I spend. Come January and my credit card bill is crazy high and when I look back I don’t even remember half the things I bought or spend money on. This is not ok. You should look back at the money you spent and at least feel like it was worth it or that you were able to create an amazing memory.
Spending too much money can be stressful, specially when you don’t know if you’ll be able to pay for the bill next month. Trust me, you don’t want to start the new year with credit card debt.
I’m writing a blog post on how to be more sustainable during the Holidays that should be able to help you spend less or at least make it meaningful. Either or, no matter what your budget is, you should be able to look back and think, you know what? This was 100% worth it.
So, create a budget and stick to it. Check how much money you spent the year before and find a number you feel comfortable with. If you are buying gifts for people, start now, don’t wait to buy everything the week before Christmas. That’s what I’m doing this year, that way I can divide the expenses into 2 months instead of one. (I’m also not buying gifts for everyone I know).
CBD can be your best friend!
If all else fails…. take some CBD! LOL
No, I’m kidding. I really hope you get to apply some of the suggestions above to your life and how you navigate through the Holidays, but truth is, CBD can really help you with anxiety. You guys know I worked with Equilibria and I’ve been taking their CBD regularly for 2 months now and honestly, I have never felt better! I wrote a blog post about it here if you want to take a look at it.
If you decide to give it a try, you can get $20 off using this referral code at checkout DISCOUNT0000628878368258131850. They have amazing Holiday Boxes, and also other products too that you can subscribe to or buy individually.
So, that’s all I have for you today! I tried to keep it short and sweet so I wouldn’t overwhelm you with a million suggestions. Now, tell me about YOU! How do you deal with stress during the Holiday season? Any tips for me?
Let me know in the comments below!
Thanks so so soooo much for stopping by. It really means the world to me!
PS: I know it seems like I don’t reply to comments, but I always email people back! So if you have any questions please leave them below. Also, my email address is very public! Feel free to email me for anything – [email protected]
Thank you ❤️❤️❤️